Sunday, June 08, 2008

Chase Your Passion, Not Your Pension

     Most of our adult lives are spent working. Taking into account commuting time, overtime, thinking about our jobs, and worrying about deadlines or problems we spend more of our waking hours in an office or factory, behind a desk, in a meeting, or on the road than we do at home. But too many find their jobs laborious and repetitive, an irritating but necessary interruption between weekends. They would rather get home than get ahead.
      A job is something you do for money. A career is something you do based on an inner desire and motivation. You want to do it, you love doing it, you're excited when you do it. You do it because it is in harmony with your core values and goals.
      People who are paid exactly what they are worth (or more) often find themselves replaced, declared obsolete, and re-engineered out of the organization. Overpaid people are overdrawn in their knowledge bank account. People who are underpaid for the amount and quality of the service they provide are always in demand and always ahead of the money in their knowledge and contribution. So money and opportunity are always chasing them.
      Keep the level of your yearning and learning ahead of your earning. Be inspired to learn as much as you can, to know as much as you can, to gain skills when you can, to find a cause that benefits humankind - and you'll be sought after for your quality of service and dedication to excellence. This motivation will make you oblivious to quitting time and to the length of your workday. You'll awake every morning feeling the passion of pursuit, not just the pursuit of a paycheck. Those who do more than they're paid for are always sought for their services. Their name and work outlive them, and they always command the highest price. Chase your passion, not your pension!

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