Monday, December 30, 2024

A Buddhist Grief Observed

Excerpt from A Buddhist Grief Observed
By Guy Newland

Aren't Buddhists supposed to have transcended grief? What were we expecting? Was the Buddha not clear enough? We just need to "let go." 

When I was a young instructor at Mary Washington College, a student paper shocked me by arguing that Vietnamese Buddhists do not mourn their dead family members because they know that they are going on to future lives. Giving this writer skillful guidance was my first big teaching challenge. 

Most of us would not think this way, but we may fall into subtler missteps. Having met some Dharma and engaged it, many come to feel that they have taken death and impermanence into account. 

We might have. But probably not. Like everyone else, Buddhists seldom die as they expect. We die in some other way, too soon or too late, in ways we never imagined. We die in fear, and sadness, and in disappointment. Death is what happens when we are making other plans. And if our lives are committed to service, we will die while we still have critical work to do. 

When Dainin Katagiri Roshi was dying of cancer, he told his frightened students, "I see you are watching me closely; you want to see how a Zen master dies. I'll show you." He kicked violently and screamed, "I don't want to die!" Then he looked at them: "I don't know how I will die . . . Remember, there is no right way." None of us know how we will face death. 

Let's not fool ourselves. Meditation on death and impermanence does not magically make us invulnerable or transhuman. Losing those we love hurts. When his daughter died of smallpox, Kobayashi Issa wrote: 

  The world of dew
  Is indeed a world of dew.
  And yet, and yet... 

Issa comments on his poem: 

  I knew that it was no use to cry, that water once flown past the bridge does not return and scattered blossoms are gone beyond recall. Yet try as I would, I could not, simply could not cut the binding cord of human love. 

The Buddha teaches that all that arises is ephemeral, vanishing like a drop of dew in the morning sun. And this is true. Issa cannot evade the full force of this fact; as a Buddhist, he has long known this well - or thought he had. Now this little girl's death hurts him bone-deep, cuts him to the core. To be utterly heart-wrecked and, at the same time, strangely grateful for some lost grace - this is what it will always mean to be a human who loves another mortal. 

So we may have unrealistic expectations about how well our practice has prepared us to die or to lose someone whom we love more than our own lives. We may feel worse than we had expected to feel. You are practicing, your spouse dies - and suddenly it seems as though someone clubbed you in the head. Your grief may be complicated by useless disappointment in yourself-or in the Dharma itself. 

One woman came to me in a difficult grief after losing a parent. She made a commitment to intensive religious practice with the belief that she had taken the prospect of losing her parent into account. When grief hit her hard, she was doubly tormented. Because she felt so bad about her parent's death, she felt like a failure as a Buddhist. 

Soko Morinaga tells a similar story. His friend Miss Okamoto was a dedicated Zen practitioner for decades, but as death approached she was terrified - and also profoundly ashamed of her terror. 

I did not find my wife's death at all surprising. I had a vague idea that she would outlive me, but I also knew that she expected to die first. I wasn't startled that she died. And yet: I was shocked; it was a physical shock. 

Shock does not have to involve surprise. It took me months to understand. It is like someone informing you that he is going to punch you in the head - and then punching you in the head. You're not surprised, but you do have a concussion. 

Shock and pain are not a personal failure. It is cruel to judge ourselves so harshly; it is unhelpful to blame ourselves for being human. 

Knowing the first noble truth does not exempt us from it. 

Excerpt from A Buddhist Grief Observed
By Guy Newland

What Good is Zen


What good is Zen if it won’t help my dying friend?

What good is Zen if it can’t stop an oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico?

What good is Zen is I’m shot down in Afghanistan?

What good is Zen if I’m broke and living on orange peels?

What good is Zen in the windows of an abandoned house?

What good is Zen is all it means is a pebble on the beach?

What good is Zen if you imagine you’ve done nothing wrong?


Excerpt from Zen Master Poems by Dick Allen

Not No, Non- a Buddhist meditation

What Is The Meaning of Nonself?

Everything that comes into being depends on everything else. Nothing arises by itself.

In Buddhism, we often talk about “no self.”  This is a difficult idea to grasp in English.  What we mean is that the self as we usually image it doesn’t really exist.  Just as the daffodil is made up of the nutrients it draws from the soil, the energy of sunlight, the water that helps it grow, and the bees that pollinate, so, too, we are made up of the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the ancestors who have come before us and made our lives possible.

But does this mean that because the daffodil is comprised of nondaffodil materials it isn’t a daffodil?  Of course not!  And likewise for each of us.

In Chinese the word for “no self” is wuwo, but wu does not mean “no” in Chinese.  It negates rather than defines.  It is indefinite.  It is not fixed or concrete.  Wu connotes fluidity, movement, even hope.

The realization of no self is not at all nihilistic.  It simply means that the self is something different from what we habitually assume it to be.

In Chan, emptiness is not nothingness.  And nothingness is not nothing.  We might say “nonthingness” instead.  No self might be better expressed as nonself.  Not no, non-.

What is the meaning of nonself?  Infinity.  The downward sweep of Songnian’s hand came out of the place from which each breath comes and goes.  Where each moment is born and vanishes.  A place of nongrasping where there is complete freedom and everything comes together naturally.  A lovely Chinese phrase, xing yun liu shui, expresses this.  It means clouds flowing across the sky, a stream running downhill in spring without hindrance or obstruction, fully functioning, free but still connected, as clouds are connected to the sky and rivers to the earth.

When we realize that, we don’t feel terror or despair.  On the contrary: to realize that, to live it, gives rise to a feeling of potential and possibility.  We are no longer bound to the stifling attachment to who we think we are.

Everything changes, including each one of us.  We get stuck because we limit ourselves.  We do not really open up and become intimate with the world around us.

Not no, non-


Excerpt from Chan Heart, Chan Mind – A Meditation on Serenity and Growth by Master Guojun

Friday, December 20, 2024

Exporting Reconstruction: Ulysses S. Grant and a New Empire of Liberty - REVIEW

by Ryan P. Semmes

Exporting Reconstruction examines Ulysses S. Grant's Reconstruction-era policy, both foreign and domestic, as an integrated whole. Grant's vision for America's international role in the aftermath of the Civil War was best articulated in his 1869 memorandum, considering whether the United States should annex the Dominican Republic. Grant envisioned a combined domestic and foreign policy of Reconstruction, one predicated on spreading the values of liberty, equality, and the rights of citizenship to not only the Dominican Republic but also other Caribbean nations as well as to Native Americans and Chinese immigrants living in the United States but seen as aliens within the nation.

Author Ryan P. Semmes interprets the Grant-era policy of Reconstruction as an all-encompassing agenda that imagined the United States as the arbiter of civil rights for the Western Hemisphere. Exporting Reconstruction shows readers that, unlike presidents before and after his administration, Grant hoped to increase not only the United States' imperial reach but also extend freedom and liberty to people beyond the borders of North America.

Ryan P. Semmes is professor and director of research at the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, housed at Mississippi State University.

University of South Carolina Press
ISBN-13 ‎ 978-1643365176

Monday, December 02, 2024

Black Revolutionaries: A History of the Black Panther Party - REVIEW

by Joe Street

Black Revolutionaries is an accessible yet rigorously argued history of the Black Panther Party (BPP), one of the emblematic organizations of the 1960s. Joe Street highlights the complexity of the BPP’s history through three key themes: the BPP’s intellectual history, its political and social activism, and the persecution its members endured. Together, these themes confirm the BPP’s importance in understanding Black America’s response to white oppression in the 1960s and 1970s.

Based on a wealth of archival material, Black Revolutionaries reveals the enduring importance of leftist political philosophy to 1960s and 1970s radicalism, and how the BPP helps us to understand more deeply the role of public space and public protest in the 1960s.Street shows how the BPP were key to the transformation of political activism in the post-civil rights era. As the BPP faced the psychological and organizational impacts of FBI surveillance, police repression, and imprisonment, Street examines how these negative forces helped to shape and destroy the BPP.

Most significantly, Black Revolutionaries demonstrates that an understanding of African American grassroots politics and protest, racial injustice, and police brutality in the post-civil rights era is only comprehensible through engagement with the BPP’s history.

University of Georgia Press
ISBN-13: 978-0820366944